Some Halestorm songs to rock out the Saturday.

As Addie of Halocene (A band I follow on Youtube) says, “No other female rocks like Lizzy from Halestorm.”. I love “Halestorm“, so I am always asking the bands I follow on Youtube to cover them. The latest to do so is “The Iron Cross“, a young band in Romania. I thought they did a great job, and it occurred to me that it would be cool if Lzzy Hale (the lead singer of Halestorm) would check out their cover, so I tweeted it to her. I hope they have all their paperwork in order and Halestorm’s management team doesn’t force them to take their video on Youtube down, and that she’ll check it out and love it! 😬🤞🤞

Incidentally, sometime ago, I also asked them to cover “Sk8er Boi” by Avril Lavigne and their lead singer, Andreea Monteanu, is premiering a cover of that in 28 mins!!!! Awesome! You know I will have to check that one out!

Halocene covered a Halestorm song the other day as well and apparently Lzzy Hale liked it, so maybe she will check out Iron Cross’s video too. Halocene’s cover was pretty awesome!

And yet another band I love, Shershen & Zaritskaya (from Kiev, in the Ukraine) also did a great cover of a Halestorm song. They did “Apocalyptic”.

A young lady from Australia, “Victoria K.” teamed up with Andrei Cerbu (of ‘The Iron Cross’) and a Youtube drummer, Sina for an wicked cover of Halestorm’s “Love Bites”. I think she was under fifteen at the time! (13?) She has her own band now and seems to be making a name for herself in the rock scene Down Under.

No homage of Halestorm would be complete without a video from the band itself, and here it is! This is one of my favourites!
Here is “I Get Off”!

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